We get our Christmas story from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, each giving us a slightly different version. The most common is from Luke, starting with Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist and Mary’s visit by the angel Gabriel. Next, we have Joseph and a very pregnant Mary traveling from Nazareth to Joseph’s heritage town of Bethlehem to be counted for tax purposes. There the child is born in the stable because the inn was full. The Angels suddenly appear hovering in the sky before the shepherds singing Glory to God in the highest that the child had been born and the shepherds travel to the inn to witness the event.
From Matthew we receive the genealogy of Jesus and the story to wise men from a different culture recognizing the Child as royalty. We also have the family fleeing to Egypt because King Herod has all male children in the area of Bethlehem under 2 years old killed to prevent a rival from taking his throne.
The story behind Christmas is just as interesting. The first Christmas celebration on December 25th comes from a recording of the celebration in Rome in 336. December 25th was chosen for various reasons. Nine months before that is the Vernal Equinox (March 25th), aligning with Luke 1:26 and the annunciation to Mary by Gabriel in the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy. The Winter Solstice also aligns with the weather in Israel which is the rainy season and would provide grass for the sheep would find the shepherds with the flocks out in the pastures.
However the day arrived at December 25th the important aspect is that 2000 years ago God became human and came to earth to dwell among his people. That through the sacrifice of Jesus our sins were washed away and could stand clean and pure before our God.
Celebrate the birth, the most important event of all time. Join us for our Christmas Day Service.
Gathering Music Donna Nelson
Announcements: Chris Buchanan
Call to Worship: Congregation
"O Come Let Us Adore Him"
Songs of Praise: Congregation
"Angels We Have Heard on High"
"What Child Is This"
Scripture, Praise & Prayer: Pastor Bob Ramos, Larry, and Donna
Scriptures: John 3:16 Pastor Ron Uzura
Message: Pastor Ron
"Unwrapping the Gift of Jesus"
Dedication of Tithes and Offerings Cheryl Leathermann
Doxology: Congregation
Closing Hymn: Congregation
“Joy To The World ”
"We Wish You A Merry Christmas"
Word of Blessing: Pastor Ron
Videos of Previous Services are available.
Music Direction: Steve Batstone
Praise Team:
Steve Batstone/Natalie Panaia/Donna Nelson/Lucinda Anderson/Lea Blair/Rod Thompson/Larry Murray/Dion Anderson
Pianist: Donna Nelson
Photos:December 18th church service
Revised Activity Schedule
Monday 5:30 Choir Practice
Tuesday 9:15 Staff Meeting
Wednesday 9:30 Women to Women on the patio
Wednesday 11:00 Men's Bible Study
Wednesday 2:30 Pantry Set-Up
Wednesday 4:30 - 5:30 Food Pantry on the Patio
Wednesday 7:00 REFRESH on ZOOM
Thursday 5:30 Handbell Practice
Thursday 5:30 Park Men's Bible Study
Thursday 6:45 Praise Team Practice