Bulletin Summary March 15, 2020

Worship in the Sanctuary at 9:30

121 Davis Street

Gathering Music:                                                         Donna Nelson

Welcome:                                                                       Pastor Bob Ramos

Songs of Praise Praise Team:                                    “Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone”  

                                                                                        “Lead Me To The Cross”

Prayer Song:                                                                “I Know That My Redeemer Lives”


Prayers for God’s People / Lord’s Prayer                Lydia Estrada


Chancel Choir:                                                             “Healing Is In Your Hands”


Message Scripture:                                                      Luke 22:54-62

Message:                                                                       “God Does Not Give Up On Us”      

                                                                                        Pastor Bob Ramos

Offertory & Doxology Music:                                    Donna Nelson

Dedication of the Offering:                                         Gretchen Rogers

Closing Hymn:  Praise Team                                     “Arise My Soul Arise”         

Choral and Music Director:                                         Steve Batstone

Piano:                                                                              Donna Nelson