June 6 Worship Service , Congregation in Praise & Prayer,  Pastor Ron's Message, and Communion

march 9th Worship Service

One of the primary scriptures which we find during the season of Lent is Jesus being tempted in the desert.


Jesus has just been baptized.  We now know for certain who he is because as John lifts him from the water the sky opens with the Spirit descending on him in the form of a dove and the voice of God saying, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am pleased.”

The Spirit takes him into the desert where he spends 40 days probably in prayer and learning about what the Father has in mind for his ministry.  At the end of the 40 days the Devil arrives when Jesus is at his weakest and attempts to lure him to the Devil’s side.  First he tempts with food, because Jesus is Hungry, “you have the power to turn these rocks to loaves of bread to satisfy your hunger.” But Jesus seeing the temptation replies, “Man does not live by bread alone.”  Next the Devil tries power and suddenly all the nations of the earth a spread out before them, “Bow down to me and I will give dominion over all the earth.” Jesus again see what is happening and says, “Worship the lord your God and serve him only.”


Finally, the Devil takes Jesus to the top of the temple in Jerusalem.  “If you were to jump angels would appear and catch you before you touch the ground.” Jesus again understands what the Devil is saying, except Jesus will not use his powers to prove who he is, and answers, “Do not put the Lord  your God to the test.”


Suddenly Jesus is back in the desert.  The Devil is gone, defeated, but return at  a more opportune time. 


We are all tempted, there are things we want, things we feel we need, but the hard part is knowing what is really important.  It is our understanding and faith which brings us back family, friends and community, and most importantly to our relationship with God.


Join us for our March 9th Worship Service.

Photos:  March 9th Praise Team

Gathering Music:                                                              Impromptu Choir

"He Touched Me"

Announcements:                                          Chris Buchanan               

Call To Worship:                                              Pastor Ron Urzua

Songs of Praise:                                                              Praise Team

 "Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone"

"Here;s My Heart"

Congregational Prayer:                                   Pastor bob Ramos

Scripture:                                       Lea Blair

Luke 8:1-3

Message:                                                                          Pastor Ron

"Possessed By Jesus"

Dedication of Offerings:                                                           Yvette Herrera      

Doxology:                                                                   Praise Team

Closing Hymn:                                                                          Praise Team

"Soul on Fire"

Blessing:                                                              Pastor Ron

Ron Urzua, Pastor

Bob Ramos and Rob Schleef, Commissioned Lay Pastors

Interim Music Director: Lucinda Anderson

Accompanist: Donna Nelson

121 Davis Street  Santa Paula, California

presbyoffice@verizon.net                              (805) 525-6654