Jesus being revealed to the people continues in Luke 2: 22-38. The Gospel of Luke tells us that it was customary for the first born son to taken to the temple and presented to God, with the sacrifice of a young lamb, or if poor the lamb could be replaced with two turtle doves. As faithful Jews, when he was a month old, Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple, with two turtle doves, to uphold the law.
Coming into the temple they met an old man who was righteous and devote, named Simeon. Simeon had received a promise from the Holy Spirit that before he died he would see the Messiah who would save Israel. Upon entering the temple Simeon saw Jesus, took Jesus into his arms and said,
“Now, God, you may let your servant die in peace.
My eyes have seen your savior,
a light for the Gentiles,
and glory for your people Israel.”
At the same time there was Anna, a widow 84 years old, who was a prophetess. She stayed in the temple day and night, fasting and praying and when she saw Jesus she thanked God and told everyone that the Messiah had come to the people.
The Messiah has come, not only to the Jewish people, but a Light to all people. Some will reject Him, but others will accept Him, and will be saved.
Join us for our Second Sunday in Epiphany with our January 19th Worship Service.
Gathering Music: Impromptu Choir
"Since Jesus Came Into My Heart"
Announcements: Chris Buchanan
Call To Worship: Pastor Bob Ramos
Songs of Praise: Praise Team
"Everlasting God"
"Oh, Lord, Have Mercy on Me"
Congregational Prayer: Pastor Bob
Scripture: Pastor Ron
Luke 6:37-42
Message: Pastor Ron
"Love Doesn't Judge....Love Corrects"
Dedication of Offerings: Larry Murray
Doxology: Praise Team
Closing Hymn: Praise Team
"Cry of My Heart"
Blessing: Pastor Ron
Pastor Ron Urzua and Pastor Bob Ramos
Music Director: Lucinda Anderson
Accompanist: Donna Nelson- Piano
Photo: Death of the Children, Mosaic in Siena Cathedral, Siena Italy, Based on Matthew 2:16-18
121 Davis Street Santa Paula, California