June 6 Worship Service , Congregation in Praise & Prayer,  Pastor Ron's Message, and Communion

third Sunday of Advent

December 15th Worship Service

Over the last two weeks we have lit the Advent Candles of Hope and Love. As we prepare to light the third Advent Candle, The Candle of Peace, we carry on  tradition of the early church, that reaches back to the Fifth Century. 


This morning’s Candle of Peace carries a significant portion of our faith.  The word and concept of Peace is mentioned over 200 times in the Bible.  Jesus is even referred to as the bringer of peace in Isaiah 9:6 as the Prince of Peace. In Luke 2:14, as the angels appeared to the shepherds at Jesus’ birth they proclaimed “Peace on Earth”.


Peace comes in several different ways.  There is the inner peace Christ brings to each of us as stated in John 14:27.  Through his death on the cross our sins have been forgiven and we have the peace that each of us who accepts Christ has been given the gift of salvation.  We have the peace which comes from knowing no matter how confused or unstable the world around us seems we know that God is Sovereign, and even though we have free will, God is working in every event to bring about the world as he wants it.  We have the peace which comes from knowing that we are all God’s children, and that no matter the differences, we can be the Peacemakers of the world, because that is who Christ has called us to be.  We can be confident in our peace because always keeps his promises as stated in Proverbs 3:5.


Because we know and accept the Peace which God, through Jesus, offers us we are God’s Lights shining in the darkened world.


Join us for our December 15th Worship Service.

Gathering Music:                                                              Impromptu Choir

"Make Way"

Announcements:                                                          Chris Buchanan

Call To Worship:                                        Pastor Bob Ramos

Responsive Reading

Lighting the Advent Candle:                                                      Melissa Paterson / Cheryl Douglas

Candle of Peace

Songs of Praise:                                                              Praise Team

 "Breath of Heaven"

"Holy Is the Lord"

Congregational Prayer:                                   Pastor Bob

Scripture:                                       Donna Nelson

Luke 1:30-45

Message:                                                                          Pastor Ron Urzua

"The Power of Hanging Out With People Who Love Jesus"

Dedication of Offerings:                                                    Rich Brandon

Doxology:                                                                   Praise Team

Closing Hymn:                                                                          Praise Team

"Soul on Fire"

Blessing:                                                              Pastor Ron

Pastor Ron Urzua and Pastor Bob Ramos

Music Director: Debbie Parisi

Accompanist: Donna Nelson- Piano

Photo: December 15 Praise Team and Hand Bell Choir

121 Davis Street  Santa Paula, California

presbyoffice@verizon.net                              (805) 525-6654