This afternoon Steve follows up on Ron's message from Psalm 84. This time with music. Psalm 84.
July 8
Mid Week Devotional
July 8
Mid Week Devotional
This afternoon Steve follows up on Ron's message from Psalm 84. This time with music. Psalm 84.
July 1
Mid-Week Devotional
In today’s Mid-Week Devotional Pastor Ron looks at our attitudes when we come back as being more important than when we return to the sanctuary in his message “But How We Come Back Is More Important Than When We Come Back”
Photo: For me this photo of our Praise Team looking the length of the Sanctuary instantly brings smiles. Hopefully we'll be back in our Sanctuary in some form on July 12.
June 24
Mid Week Devotional
In Psalm 133 the psalmist is telling us that it is pleasing to God, and to us, to be moving forward in unity. But sometimes it is difficult for us to move forward. As Ron explores the psalm in “How We Come Back Is More Important Than When We Come Back” he explains that even when we do not feel Him, God is with us in the Holy Spirit encouraging us to go forward.
Photo: From the Wild River Range in Wyoming where Ron is fishing this week.
June 17 Mid-Week Devotional
One thing is certain, at some point in the future we will all stand in the presence of God. What will it be like?
Today in our Mid Week Devotional Steve Batstone quotes 1 Corinthians 2:9,
Photo: 112 feet tall with 176 stained glass windows telling biblical stories and filling the nave with mystical light the Chartres Cathedral’s Gothic architecture was designed to demonstrate the power and majesty and glory of God. Consecrated in 1260 this nearly 800 year old cathedral, to the people who built it, is surely a place where God could live. The photo is taken from the entrance/nave looking toward the apse, cloister, Upper Ambulatory and seven chapels. The statue in the apse is Our Lady of Chartres.
June 10
Mid Week / Hump Day Devotional
Elder Rod Thompson presents our Mid Week / Hump Day Devotional Rediscovering The Basics of Our God Connection at
as Rod explores how we can use this extra time we
suddenly find on our hands. Perhaps we
could use this time to get closer to God and rediscover all of the gifts and
support he is giving us, even when we do not realize it.
Picture: From Rod's home in Upper Ojai
June 3
Mid Week Reflection
Pastor Ron approaches these subjects from a Biblical perspective
in his midweek reflection of current events “A Short Reflection on What the
Bible Says About Injustice-Protest, Anger, Government and Resisting Evil”
Photo is from Unsplash:
May 29
Thank God It's Friday Devotional
Pastor Ron over the next few weeks is going be exploring God’s word to us today as found in the Book of Psalms.
We’re starting with Pastor Ron providing a lead in to two exceptional short videos telling us the background, history and purpose of Psalms and why they included in the Old Testament.
Watch Pastor Ron’s introduction here.
Follow Ron’s introduction with Bible Project Psalms and How to Read the Psalms.
Painting King David Playing the Harp, 1622 Gerard van Honthorst, From Wikipedia:
May 27
Mid Week/ Hump Day Devotional
Good Morning Everyone. This mornings Hump Day / Mid Week Devotional comes from Pastor Bob. Today Pastor Bob speaks to an issue which is on everyone's mind, the anxiety which we all are experiencing as we live under the threat of Coronavirus and COVID-19.
This is the link to the Hump Day / Mid Week Devotional:
May 20
Mid Week/Hump Day Devotional
us in our Mid Week / Hump Day Devotional as Pastor Ron continues to
explore the 23rd Psalm with "The 23rd Psalm: In View of the Remainder of
Part 1:
Part 2:
May 13
Mid Week/Hump Day Devotional
Pastor Ron finishes his study of 2 Peter with or May 13 Hump Day Devotional at
Picture: The women recognizing Jesus at the tomb from the Resurrection Window in the Cathedral in Chartres, France
Mid Week Devotional May 6
Join Pastor Ron as he explores 2 Peter 1:19 in his mid week devotional message "The Words of the Prophets Confirmed".
Mid-Week Devotional April 29
Why does the Apostle Peter continue to remind us of our salvation through Christ? Join us for our Mid-Week/Hump-Day Devotional as Pastor Ron continues to explore 2 Peter. Find the video at:
Hump Day April 15
It is time for Pastor Ron's mid week Hump Day Devotional.
This week takes us back to 2017 when Ron was a speaker at the Evangelistic Missionary Baptist Church for their Good Friday Service "Seven Sayings of Christ"
Our First Hump Day Devotion
Join us as Ron explores the 91st Psalm and tells us about the Promises we have been given, the Strength of the Apostle Paul, and how the Resurrection of Christ speaks to us during our shelter-in-place.
Our First Hump Day Devotion